Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shopping for Dinner

On Saturday we had six colleagues from school join us for dinner. The menu included meat loaf, a Middle Eastern carrot salad, marinated cucumbers and onions, a potato pie with pesto, and a macedonia (fruit) salad.

My first stop was the butcher across the street. The butcher ground together 1.5 kilo of turkey breast and .5 kilo of pork. Next stop was the grocery on the corner where I got a dozen slices of pancetta, sliced super thin... almost like bacon in the USA. Then it was off to the open air market down the street. At one stall I got some fruit for the macedonia. At another stall I bought some Parmesan cheese to use with the meatloaf. Another stall was the source for the red peppers and cucumbers. My final stop was to get some parsley, and because it was close to market closing time, the vendor gave me the bunch for free.

These are the turkey meatloaves ready for the oven. They are made with onions, red peppers, eggs, Parmesan cheese, parsley and bread crumbs. They are topped with the pancetta.

This is the potato pie, ready to serve, with pesto and pistachio nuts.

1 comment:

  1. And that's one of the wonders of living here isn't it? That Saturday morning jaunt from place to place to get the makings of Saturday night's dinner or Sunday's pranzo. And the choice - oh lord the choice.

    I want the recipe for the potato pie for Canadian Thanksgiving Pranzo. Please...
