Thursday, December 17, 2009

Advent Calendar: Roman Gate 17

Gates, lift high your heads,
raise high the ancient gateways,
and the king of glory shall enter.
Psalm 24: 7 (New Jerusalem Bible)

Farm Gate

This farm gate is in the Caffarella Valley, located near the Aurelian Walls and between two ancient Roman roads, Via Appia and Via Latina, both leading to southern Italy. The farm, with a history that began in the 16th century, is within the city limits of Rome and is still active today. It is part of the 8,500 acre Parco Regionale dell' Appia Antica.

Lamb of God,
You once came to rid the world of sin;
cleanse me now from every stain of sin.
Lord, you came to save what was lost;
come once again with Your salvific power
so that those You redeemed will not be punished.
I have come to know You in faith;
may I have unending joy
when You come again in glory.

New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book

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