Thursday, February 25, 2010

Clocks Around Town

Time is an interesting thing in Rome. There is always time for coffee! A conversation with a neighbor is usually more important than being "on time" for an appointment. The most important verb tense is the present. (It seems Italians rarely use the future tense.)

While walking around the Eternal City you can see clocks everywhere. They are on buildings old and new, on lamp posts and often on signs for the pharmacy. Here is a sampling of clocks I saw yesterday.
Location: Jewish Ghetto
Actual Time: 2:01 pm

Location: Largo Argentina
Actual Time: 2:31 pm

Location: Church of Santa Agnese, Piazza Navona
Actual Time: 4:48

Location: Corso del Rinascimento
Actual Time: 3:01 pm

Location: Building next to Palazzo Madama
(The Italian Senate Building)
Actual Time: 3:15 pm
N.B. This is the only clock I saw with the accurate time.
But, does this help the efficiency of the Italian government?


  1. sorry efficiency - Italian Government - now that two concepts I would never have put together.

  2. You also need to visit the Piazza dell'Orologio behind Chiesa Nuova! The clock twoer is really something.
