The Roman neighborhood of
EUR started in 1938 as a bedroom community, part of Mussolini's plan to extend Rome to the sea. The plan changed when Mussolini decided to have a
"Universal Exposition of Rome" in 1942 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Fascism. Because of World War II it never happened, and the project was abandoned. In 1951 the structures that were wrecked by German occupation and then by war refugees were repaired and construction began again. Buildings were added to EUR in the 1950's and 1960's. The neighborhood continues to expand today. It is a major government center and the number of private residences is continually growing. One year ago a large shopping mall was opened. (See my blog posting for
Last week I went to a SPORTELLO AMICO (Friend Window) at the Post Office in EUR. I had to sign a couple of documents that are part of the process of obtaining my permesso di soggiorno, the permission to stay in Italy. This gave me an opportunity to take some photos of some of EUR's buildings.

The center of EUR is the
Piazza Marconi, dominated by a modern obelisk commemorating Gugliemo Marconi, the inventor of the radio. It was sculpted by Arturo Dazzi in 1959.

This is one of the two symmetrical buildings with large semi-circular porticos inspired by the Market of Trajan in the historic center of Rome. It was designed by Giovanni Muzio, Mario Paniconi and Giulio Pediconi and built in 1937.

One of the most famous buildings in EUR is sometimes called the Square Coliseum. It can be seen when driving from Leonardo da Vinci Airport to the center of Rome. It is the
Palazzo della Cività del Lavoro by Giovanni Giurrini, Ernesto Bruno La Padula and Mario Romano (1939).

Palazzo dei Congressi by Adalberto Libera (1939) is a favorite of many architects. Libera also desiged the Post Office building at the Porta San Paolo. See the entry of April 30, 2008 on my blog for information about the
Post Office.