Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cheese Options at McDonalds

When you stop in at McDonald's in Rome for something to eat, part of the menu will seem familiar to Americans. You can see a picture of CBO, a sandwich with pollo, bacon and cipolla (in the US that's cheese-bacon-onion) next to the McFlurry options.
But then, there is a hamburger with mozzarella and basil.
There is also a hamburger with fresh pecorino cheese and rucola.
I chose the burger with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese.


Mr. Blunt said...

CBO is actually formaggio-pancetta-cipolla...
No chicken involved :)

AMOROMA said...

I went by the description provided in the McDonald's display here in Rome... it says pollo, bacon, cipolla
And in the letters C says "Chicken,° B says °bacon," and O says "onion."

Willym said...

I cannot believe a man of your good taste - certainly in men - and culture actually went into a McDonalds! I am truly shocked!

Laurent said...

Hey this is not good for you, you are not in Kansas you know. This is what I see here in Ottawa, how can people eat that stuff. Am shocked!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

After one or two weeks in the City it is always a delight to walk into the cool depths of the Via Nazionale McDonald's. We disdain that company at home but have had many spiritual experiences therein in Rome. We were devastated when Mc's moved from the Corso, but were relieved to find it hadn't moved so far away!

You have a delightful blog! Many thanks!

Shari said...

Yum! Basil and mozzarella on a burger! I'll have to try that . . . but I'll use Laurent's tasty burger recipe as the base. Thanks Larry! Thanks Laurent!