"Nasoni - Big Nose"
The common fountains all over Rome
offering a drink to all who are thirsty.
It's Christmas eve.
I conclude my Fountains of Rome with this humble fountain that is familiar to all of us in the Eternal City.
Have a great Christmas!
Observations and reflections about my life in Rome, including the excursions that take me beyond the walls...
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
ever faithful to your promises
and ever close to your Church:
the earth rejoices in hope of the Savior's coming
and looks forward with longing
to his return at the end of time.
Prepare our hearts and remove the sadness
that hinders us from feeling the joy and hope
which his presence will bestow,
for he is Lord for ever and ever.
From the Companion Missal:
The Opening Mass Prayer for the Third Sunday of Advent